
General Practitioner | Masterton | Permanent


🚲 Biking
🎣 Fishing
🍇 Vineyards and olive groves
🏄‍♂️ Surfing
🥾 Hiking
🌲 Native bush
🔭 Star gazing
🎾 Community sports

If your motivation is to serve smaller communities, here’s the way into an established general practice in Masterton, where the scope for growth and the potential to make your mark is huge.

Our client is looking for a General Practitioner to complement their already amazing team.


  • Permanent General Practitioner 8/10 to 10/10
  • Full registration with MCNZ
  • Salary in the range of $220,000 and $260,000 FTE
  • Masterton, Wairarapa


  • Full time General Practitioner
  • Supervision available if you are a GPEP or working towards Vocational Registration
  • Wide demographic, providing a range of opportunities for patient connection
  • After hours clinic 1 weekend in 14

You’ll be working with an energetic, motivated team that focuses on wellbeing and believes in a hauora (whole person) approach to wellness. 

Three GPs, 10 practice nurses, a clinic coordinator, two HCAs and a paramedic make up the clinical team. There is mutual connectivity between nursing and administrative staff and strong collaboration with community providers. 

And there’s a social tennis team – so bring your racket!

Masterton lies in the heart of the Wairarapa district. With a population of 55,000 it boasts a range of amenities – sports clubs, schools, churches and community groups – and offers many opportunities for lifestyle and family. You’ll find hiking and biking trails in every direction, as well as vineyards and olive groves, with charming places like Greytown and Martinborough to discover. It’s an easy train trip to Wellington for airports or a big city fix, and with a warm and temperate climate, nothing should stop you from getting out and about!



👉 You will have full registration with MCNZ.
👉 Special interest in women’s health is desirable.
👉 Patient-centred
👉 Exceptional communicator



Moana Tel 021 061 6923 or
Claudia Tel 022 361 4028 or  

We bring good people together in the medical industry to help create healthcare teams and communities that thrive. At Good Together, we’re building a community of medical practices and doctors who are good people that care about supporting each other and bringing balance back to life.

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